Using the Pause

The Covid pandemic has disrupted our lives and our businesses.  It’s doubtful that our lives will go back to the way they were before Covid.

Our thinking about health and hygiene, social interactions, technology, travel, work, and recreation has changed.

It’s possible that our thinking about our business has changed too.

As Stephen Covey, the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, says:
 “Between stimulus and response, there is a space where we choose our response.”

That space where we pause to consider our response is empowering.

Although we can’t choose what life throws at us (pandemics, storms, medical issues etc) we can choose how we will respond.

Covid has forced us to pause.  That pause may give birth to new ideas, new goals, a vision for a different way of living and working, a modified definition of success.

We can use the pause to examine the status quo and choose our response.

Covid is the disrupter, but we get to choose.

That’s empowering and exciting!

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