Organisation Review Workshop

Feeling overwhelmed, spread too thin, too much to do? Staff unsure what they are meant to be doing, how their performance is measured, or who to go to when they need direction?

These are all signs that your business needs an organisational review to clearly define roles and responsibilities within your organisation.

What is An Organisational Review?

Your company’s organisational structure is a ‘road map’ of its many different paths of responsibilities and communication. In fact, communication is the biggest factor in any organisation. As a business owner, you need to think about who is responsible for what and how you want employees to communicate, and then create a structure that reinforces this.

Reviewing your organisational structure on a regular basis will help your business grow and evolve effectively. An Organisational Review helps to define who should be doing what to improve efficiency and give you more time to concentrate on your key activities.

Most importantly, a clear Organisation Chart helps to visually define departments, functions, roles and responsibilities. This is vital for improving operational performance.

How Our Workshop Will Help You

Q2 will help you construct an Organisation Chart that clarifies the key functions within your business and those responsible for them.  This involves examining the recruitment of staff, the development of employees’ skills and management of individual performance.

During the review, we will discuss the elements of creating, implementing and modifying an Organisation Chart. Using the Q2 Organisation Chart template, we will guide you through the steps of developing your first draft.

Over the following weeks, you will then submit your final draft for us to review, and we’ll discuss our recommendations to finalise your organisational structure.

What You Will Get

Upon completing the Q2 Organisational Review, you will be better able to:

  • Understand the key functions within your business and who should be responsible for them
  • Clearly define the internal structure of your business
  • Determine ideal roles for the business as opposed to fitting roles to the people in your team
  • Increase team engagement and satisfaction by clarifying expectations
  • Allocate more time for revenue-generating activities

Q2 will act as a sounding board for you to discuss your ideas. You will also gain access to our collective wisdom, our systems, products and services.

When Will It Happen?

As soon as possible! If your organisation currently lacks clear job roles and position responsibilities, or if you are planning to expand, an Organisational Review is essential. It will help ensure people and processes work together seamlessly, supporting your framework for a sustainable, scalable, and saleable organisation.

The Organisational Review process will take a full day; however, we can meet with you over two half-day sessions if you’d prefer.

Q2’s organisational review is registered on the Regional Business Partner Network and eligible businesses may qualify for a voucher of up to 50% of the workshop cost.

Ready to take your business to the next level of performance? Call Q2 today to find out more about their Organisational Review workshops and leverage your business success! 

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