Reflecting on 2021

As Auckland’s extended lockdown grinds to a close and NZ transitions to a traffic light system, it is timely to reflect:

  1. What are you most proud of from this year?
  2. What was the worst thing or biggest learning?
  3. What is the most valuable thing you learned about yourself?
  4. Who were the most influential and supportive people for you?
  5. What three things from this year are you most grateful for?
  6. What do you wish you’d done more of?
  7. What do you wish you’d done less of?
  8. What three words sum up the year for you?
  9. What skills could you better utilise next year?
  10. What areas should you stretch next year?
  11. What will success look like to you next year?

These important questions deserve serious thought.

Covid will affect us for years to come…

I’m not just talking about the virus, but the impact it has had on our thinking and our work. Some adapted and did well. Most survived, but others succumbed. “Failure” feels like a door closing but may lead to a new, and perhaps better, opportunity. Knowing what you don’t want takes us closer to understanding what we do want. A fresh start, even if painful and forced upon us, is still an opportunity to begin more intelligently.

There is a widening economic gap, but the technology gap is widening too. Less tech savvy people, especially older people or those in lower social economic areas without tech devices or those with unreliable internet, become more deprived. For example, this year lower decile school students missed out more vital education than their peers in affluent households.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

In ten years, looking back at 2021- will it matter?

Even if we didn’t do well this year, did we do the best we could? And if you could have done more, or done things better, then resolve to make a fresh start – starting today!

Predictions for 2022

Interest rates are rising and the residential property market is likely to cool transitioning to a buyers’ market. Office space will be redesigned for more physical distancing and less open plan. Flexi working from both home and office will be preferred by many.

Remote working may encourage a move out of big cities for more affordable living. Semi-retirement may beckon younger boomers. People will want a more balanced lifestyle. No commute leaves more time for doing what you love. Work clothes will become even more relaxed.

The government will come under increasing pressure from a revitalised National party, especially over its poor planning and execution.

Masks, signing in, vaccine passports, booster shots, et al will be an ingrained part of everyday life. Life will go on…

But most importantly, what does success look like for you in 2022?



“Without reflection, we go blindly on our way”

Margaret J. Wheatley

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