The bad news just seems to keep on coming – rising interest rates, falling property values, falling Kiwisaver balances, Russia invading Ukraine, Covid variants, supply chain delays and increased freight charges, daily ram raids…
But where there is crisis there is also opportunity – attend our free workshop and take back control!
Hosted by Industry Experts:
Ann Cooper-Smith of Q2 Ltd is an experienced chartered accountant with a passion for helping businesses grow. Known as a ‘straight shooter’, she has been educating business owners about financial strategy for over 30 years.
3 Simple Business Tasks To Avoid Derailing Your Business
• How to actually use your business plan besides propping up the filing cabinet
• Why spending time ON your business is just as important as IN.
• What your numbers are in REAL time and what they mean.
Lynda Moore, Money Mentalist coach and New Zealand’s only certified New Money Story® mentor. Lynda helps you understand why you do the things you do with your money, when we all know we should spend less than we earn.
3 Fast Ways To Thrive in Todays Economy And Avoid Financial Anxiety
• How to recognise and cope with financial anxiety
• What action to take to thrive and avoid going under
• Talking to your partner and family so they understand the money situation and help too.
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