It’s 30 June – we’re half way through the calendar year and, for most of us, 25% through the financial year ending 31 March 2022.
If your revenue goal for the current financial year is say $1m (or $10m?)– have you recorded at least $250k (or $2.5m?) by 30 June? How is your gross profit and net profit tracking?
If you are well on your way to achieving your targets and desired outcomes, then congratulations. Keep up the momentum and effort.
If you’re not on target, then now is the time to front up and be accountable for perhaps not setting goals at all, or for the results shortfall. What change and action is needed over the next three quarters to achieve your goals or desired outcomes?
Being only 25% through the financial year leaves the remaining 75% to catch up, or double down on, if we need to.
The difference between a pass or fail at University means repeating papers, increased student debt, loss of mana, and a delay in starting your chosen career. Some students may fail the first exam or semester and still make the required grades by the end of the academic year by cramming to catch up.
Cramming is not practical in a business context, where we need constant and consistent effort over extended periods of time to succeed. Not achieving the business outcomes you want probably means added stress; spending more time at work rather than relaxing with your family / friends / hobbies; perhaps increased debt, compromised lifestyle choices or delayed retirement; or in extreme cases the loss of the business and your dreams with it.
If that is the wake-up call you need, then get cracking! Set up or review your business plan, look for the gaps between goals and results, and contact Q2 if you need help, accountability or inspiration.
It’s your business and your future. Don’t let it slip away – Covid or no Covid, travel bubbles or no travel bubbles. Interest deductibility or not.
You’ve got this. Let’s just get on with it! Make it happen.