Q2 CEO, Ann Cooper-Smith, is joining the MOYB ride in February 2020. She’ll ride the 5000km from Auckland to Invercargill and back on her Harley Davidson Slim S, to raise funds and awareness for Mens’ Mental Health.
MOYB (not to be confused with MYOB!!) is defined by Google as “to remove or solve a problem that has been difficult to get rid of or solve : to get rid of a problem or situation that makes one unhappy and that lasts for a long time”. For example, “He finally got the monkey off his back and kicked his drug addiction/depression”.
Sadly, NZ has some terrible suicide stats and too many of us (including Ann) have lost a loved one unnecessarily. Ann wanted to support Lifeline by raising money as part of her participation in Monkey Off Your Back NZ 2020.
Please help by giving whatever you can. The more people that contribute the greater the impact, so please also spread the word by sharing Ann’s page with your friends and family. Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!
Want to help? Click Here.